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Your guide for expectant and young families

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Our aim is to give you the best possible start to family life. Do you have any questions or need support? Our counselling is aimed at expectant and new parents with children up to school age, families and all caregivers who are looking for support in a wide variety of life situations.

  • Monday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Tuesday 08.00 – 11.00
  • Wednesday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Thursday 08.00 – 11.00
  • Friday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Saturday 13.00 – 16.00

Information and orientation for families from St.Gallen

The Family Office St. Gallen is the central point of contact for all questions from expectant parents and families with children up to school age.
Following a needs analysis, you will receive the necessary information so that you can contact the appropriate specialist centre.
Our services are financed by the city of St.Gallen and are therefore free of charge for you. You can find us centrally at Haus Olé at Spisergasse 12, 2nd floor and you can also contact us by e-mail or telephone.

In an emergency, please contact your paediatrician directly, the Kinderspital St. Gallen or the Kindernotfallpraxis.

The services offered by the ‘Familienbüro’ focus on three central aspects:

Child development

The importance of early childhood for children's development has long been recognised and explained. Young children are curious from birth and learn at an impressive pace, especially in the first years of life. Child development programmes support children's educational processes and their personal development with stimulating learning opportunities, thereby increasing the development opportunities of all children. From a social perspective, child development programmes make a significant contribution to equal opportunities for all children.

Family assistance

A child's upbringing and education primarily takes place within the family. In order for families to be sustainable and to be able to fulfil their tasks in bringing up their children, they need conditions that are suitable for families and children. Families have changed considerably in recent decades. Today's society has a variety of family models compared to the past, and the labour market participation of children's primary caregivers has changed considerably. Framework conditions that favour the compatibility of family and career are just as important as supporting parents and primary caregivers in the care and upbringing of their children.

Family support services are based on the principle of ‘prevention before intervention’. They support parents and carers in their care and upbringing responsibilities, are geared towards the needs and interests of families and offer help for self-help.

Social integration

Low-threshold services provide access to information and services relating to the support of families. They are places that enable diversity and otherness and promote mutual acceptance and understanding. Informal networks can be created that are irreplaceable in overcoming crises. Low-threshold services can therefore make an important contribution to integration, particularly for new arrivals, but also for people with a history of migration.

Customised information and referral to specialists


  • I am pregnant and don't have a midwife yet. Who can help me?
  • Where can I find antenatal classes in the city of St. Gallen?
  • I am unintentionally pregnant. Who can advise me on a termination of pregnancy?
  • My life circumstances are already stressful. I am looking forward to my child, but would like support and counselling.

After the birth

  • Breastfeeding is difficult for me. Who can help me?
  • Being a dad is challenging. Who can advise me on my various needs?
  • My energy is depleted. Who can relieve me?

Until school enrolment

  • Who can help me prepare my child for a sibling?
  • My child is 2 years old and doesn't sleep through the night yet. Who knows if this is normal?
  • When can my child start eating solid food? Who can I ask?
  • I can no longer stand my child's constant crying. Who can support me?
  • I am unsure whether my child is developing in an age-appropriate way. Who can advise me?

The 'Familienbüro' St. Gallen - A joint commitment by:

We are here for you!



Haus Olé, 2. OG

Spisergasse 12

9000 St. Gallen

opening hours

  • Monday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Tuesday 08.00 – 11.00
  • Wednesday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Thursday 08.00 – 11.00
  • Friday 14.00 – 17.00
  • Saturday 13.00 – 16.00

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Family Office St. Gallen. If your question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time by telephone or e-mail. We will be happy to help you!

The programme is aimed at all expectant families or families with children up to school age from the city of St.Gallen. This applies regardless of language skills. The services of the Family Office are free of charge.

Once the family has contacted us, the first step is for specialists to analyse their needs and situation on site, by telephone or by email. If possible, we will provide you with the appropriate information or the contact details of a specific specialist centre directly on site.

It is not necessary to make an appointment. Our doors are open to you and you can simply drop by during our opening hours without making an appointment. Take advantage of the walk-in option and get spontaneous and uncomplicated advice!

Counselling at the Family Office St. Gallen is completely free of charge. Our services are funded by the City of St. Gallen, so there is no cost to you. Our aim is to provide all families, regardless of their financial situation, with access to important information and support services.

The specialist organisations Frauenzentrale St. Gallen (FZ), Ostschweizer Verein für das Kind (OVK)and the Schweizerische Hebammenverband Sektion Ostschweiz (SHV Ostschweiz) run the ‘Family Office’ in joint, interdisciplinary cooperation.

The city of St.Gallen offers a wide range of specialist centres for families. It is often a challenge for parents to find the right contact point. The Family Office will help you to find the right specialist centre.
If there is a specific offer in the city of St.Gallen, we will provide you directly with the relevant information about this specialist centre. If there are several specialists to choose from (e.g. paediatricians, midwives, breastfeeding consultants), we will provide you with a list. This way you can decide for yourself which provider you would like to go to.